What it is:
There are two types of ways to waist train: using corsets or latex waist trainers, although they both reduce the waist they do not work the same. Corset trainers have been around since 3,000 BCE this type of waist training works by cinching the waist tightly pulling in the floating ribs and moving some internal organs this has semi-permanent effects and maintenance is required. We do not sell or recommend corset trainers.
Latex waist trainers shrink the waist by the process of thermogenesis when worn during the day and while working out. Thermogenesis basically uses calories to create heat and this will eventually aid in losing weight around your waist. This type of waist trainers also reduce fluids in tissues by compressing fat tissue. This is the safest and healthiest way to waist train if done correctly, we created this guide to help our customers achieve the best results.
There are some key factors to waist training that we highly recommend following to achieve optimal results.
This is one of the most important parts of waist training with latex trainers because it will speed up the thermogenesis process. I know a lot of you have busy life’s and might not be able to get in a full workout routine but doing core exercises is essential here’s why: when you wear a waist trainer for long periods of time it can cause you muscles to start atrophying which basically means your muscles will become weak and you will need to use the trainer all the time to hold you up also your skin will start to get flaccid and flabby SO LADIES DO YOUR CORE EXERCISES! They need to be done before, during and after wearing a waist trainer.
Some of the easiest exercises you can do are planks, side planks, side dips, and leg lifts. I will make another post all about core and waist exercises that work to shrink the waist. Core exercises are relatively easy and can be done anywhere I usually do mine right after waking up then I put on my waist trainer then I do another set before starting my work out, the last set I try to do it before bedtime.
While working out make sure your waist trainer fits comfortably. If you feel you start to feel uncomfortable while working out just take small breaks from it until you fully break in your trainer. UsualIy I will wear it almost throughout my whole routine expect for ab workouts that require crunches, some people feel comfortable and wear it throughout their whole routine it just depends on your comfort level. Most of our trainers are pretty discreet while wearing clothing so you can wear it anywhere, I try to plan my days ahead of time so I make sure I can get my waist training in.
Alright nutrition is tricky since not every diet works for everyone but the one that works best for me and I loose belly fat fast is staying as close to a plant based diet something like 90% plant based 10% lean meats. I also cut out white refined sugars, gluten, soy, corn basically stick to a lean anti-inflammatory diet based on plants. Here are some healthy easy swaps you can do.
Cooking Oils: Avocado, olive, coconut
Sugars: Monk fruit sweetener, stevia, raw honey
Flours: Coconut, almond, tapioca
Counting macros is another easy way to shrink your waist, while being flexible with your diet, just google macro calculator there is a handful of websites build to help you through macro counting good luck!
Avoid food that cause bloating for example sodas, grains, dairy products etc. If you are bloated there could be discomfort in your abdominal area and waist training should never be painful or uncomfortable, if you feel bloated take the waist trainer off and wait for the bloating to pass.
Waist Trainers:
Obviously wearing the actual waist trainer is another key to success here. Try to wear the trainer for at least 6 hrs through out the day For example I put mine on when I wake up and then I take it off before I eat, I don’t recommend eating with the trainer because its compressing your internal organs while the body is trying to digest food and this could cause digestion issues as well as acid reflex and other discomforts.Then I go about my day and wait until I have gave myself time to digest to put the trainer back on. If 6 hrs a day seems like too much start with 1-2 hrs for the first couple of weeks then gradually add hrs once you start building endurance.
Sleeping with the waist trainer isn’t recommended by experts, again because you need to give your muscles time to do their work doing this will avoid muscle atrophy. Sleeping with a waist trainer can also interfere with your ability to breathe so be cautious if you decide to wear it while sleeping.
To put on your waist trainer you can start by wearing a thin cotton t-shirt underneath the trainer especially if you have sensitive skin, this is optional just depends on your comfort level. Choose the widest hook row until you get use to wearing the trainer,it should feel snug but not to the point where you feel discomfort for example acid reflex or it interferes with your breathing. To know if waist trainer fits correctly you should be able to fit a couple of fingers in the trainer.
Like anything else in life waist training requires a lot of dedication, consistency, will power and lots of patience it’s a slow steady process but it does work. Once you achieve the result you want make sure to still wear your trainer regularly to maintain results as well as keeping up with workout and eating habits.
Choosing the correct size is also essential, start with measuring your natural waist line.First remove any clothing covering you waist line (the waist line can be found in between the bottom or your ribs and the top of your hip bones usually it’s the narrowest part of the core. Wrap the tape around your waist, it should fit snug but not tight where it’s squeezing your waist line in. Do not suck in your stomach just try to be natural you can breathe in and out a couple of times to help you get an approximate measurement. I go by inches for example my current natural waist line is 26 in and my goal is 24 in-23 in, remember setting a realistic healthy goal for your body is also important.
Now for choosing the size correct always choose the size correspondent to your natural waistline use the size charts provided to choose your size, most of our trainers have multiple hook rows, start off with the loosest fit once you break in the trainer you can move on to the next row until desired results are achieved. Some of you may lose enough weight and will need to eventually buy a size down for example you can start at a size medium and then go down to a size small. DO NOT SIZE DOWN with latex trainers follow the size charts provided its important, if you have any questions on choosing your size feel free to contact us at bellavictoriashop@gmail.com
Always hang the waist trainer to air dry after wearing it, never place it in the washing machine if you need to clean it use a damp cloth and gently clean your waist trainer.
Alright guys that’s my guide to waist training I know there is a bunch of techniques to waist train I hope it helps you through your waist training journey. If you have any health issues or concerns first consult with your physician before waist training just to be safe also stop wearing your waist trainer if you experience breathing problems, digestion issues, or skin irritation.
By: Viviana Campos
Written For ShopBellaVictoria.com
IG: Shopbellavictoria
Fb: Bella Victoria
Poshmark: BellaVictoria13